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Metal and glass sealing requirements of the occasion

Metal and glass sealing widely used vacuum tightness requirement for microelectronics metal encapsulation, relays, connectors, solar vacuum tube, which is mostly used in matching sealing kovar alloy and hard borosilicate glass; but the glass and Kovar alloy is not infiltrated by oxide film of Kovar alloy and glass the infiltration of fusion for hermetic sealing. In the actual production of the kovar alloy in high temperature wet hydrogen gas decarbonization, and pre oxidation treatment on kovar alloy surface, the kovar alloy wire and the chassis and the glass blank rack together, realize the glass and Kovar Alloy in high temperature tightly combined with inert or micro oxidation atmosphere. Most of the scholars at home and abroad have focused on the study of metal glass sealing, which is mainly focused on the study of the oxidation of the alloy.
Glass to metal seal is mainly used in the vacuum industry, vacuum tube solar collector, aerospace, electronics, military and other fields. Yu optical glass instrument factory after years of painstaking research study, not only in the metal glass sealing technology is in the leading level, but also in the quartz and glass transition also has a leading technology, a transition connection technology in the domestic optical glass can be processed only once. But also has the leading technology in the glass instrument quartz instrument production.
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